
Introduction to G-Wrap

Download location (HTTP):       http://www.gnucash.org/pub/g-wrap/source/g-wrap-1.3.4.tar.gz
Download location (FTP):        
Version used:                   1.3.4
Package size:                   400 KB
Estimated Disk space required:  4.6 MB

The G-Wrap package contains tools for exporting C libraries into Scheme interpreters.

G-Wrap depends on:
guile-1.4.1 and slib-2d5

Installation of G-Wrap

Install G-Wrap by running the following commands:

./configure --prefix=/usr &&
make &&
make install

Command explanations

--prefix=/usr : Change the g-wrap default installation directory of /usr/local.

Configuring G-Wrap

As with most libraries, there is no configuration to do, save that the library directory i.e. /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib should appear in /etc/ld.so.conf so that ldd can find the shared libraries. After checking that this is the case, /sbin/ldconfig should be run while logged in as root.


In addition to the Scheme libraries, the G-Wrap package contains g-wrap-config.



g-wrap-config is a tool to generate CFLAGS for linking C code to the Scheme runtime libraries.