The server is hosting the following three public accessible mailinglists:
The lfs-discuss list is the list that discusses matters regarding this book. If you have problems, comments, suggestions, etc. join this list and post your message. People on this list can take part in the newest developments regarding this book.
The lfs-announce list is a moderated list. You can subscribe to it, but you can't post any messages to this list. This list is used to announce new stable releases. If you want to be informed about development releases as well then you'll have to join the lfs-discuss list. If you're already on the lfs-discuss list there's little use subscribing to this list as well because everything that is posted to the lfs-announce list will be posted to the lfs-discuss list as well.
The linux list is a general Linux discussion list that handles everything that has got anything to do with Linux in any way, shape and form. This list was created originally to stop the high volume of off-topic messages to the lfs-discuss list. Although some of the messages posted to the linux are somewhat related to this book, the list is also used for anything else that isn't related to this book at all. Feel free to join this list if you have non-LFS questions or just want to discuss a subject.
You can subscribe to any of the above mentioned mailinglists by sending an email to [email protected] and write subscribe listname in the body of the message, where listname is replaced by either lfs-discuss, lfs-announce or linux. No subject required.
You can, if you want, subscribe to multiple lists at the same time using one email. Just repeat the subscribe command for each of the lists you want to subscribe to.
After you have sent the email, the Majordomo program will send you an email back requesting a confirmation of your subscription request. After you have sent back this confirmation email, Majordomo will send you an email again with the message that you have been subscribed to the list(s) along with an introduction message for that particulair list.
To unsubscribe from a list, send an email to [email protected] and write unsubscribe listname in the body of the message, where listname is replaced by either lfs-discuss, lfs-announce or linux.
You can, if you want, unsubscribe from multiple lists at the same time using one email. Just repeat the ubsubscribe command for each of the lists you want to unsubscribe from.
There is a mailinglist archive for the lfs-discuss and linux mailinglists. The lfs-discuss mailinglist archive can be found at and the linux mailinglist archive can be found at